We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible

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  • It may take Saipan World Resort a while to process your inquiry depending on the number of inquiries received and pending.
  • Saipan World Resort may not be able to process your inquiry immediately on weekends or during extended holidays.
    Please submit your inquiry on weekdays for a swifter response.
  • If you have any reservation-related inquiries, please consult the FAQ page first.
  • Saipan World Resort listens carefully to all of our guests, and incorporates suggestions/recommendations from our customers to improve the products and services available at the Resort.

User consent for privacy protection

■ Collected information
- Name, Telephone number, E-mail

■ Purpose of collecting and utilizing personal information
- Name, Telephone number, E-mail : Verify personal identity, counseling on inquiries/quotes, process customer comments (compliments, proposals, suggestions, etc.)

■ Retention and utilization period for personal information
- 12 months from the date on which the customer withdraws his/her consent regarding the collection and utilization of personal information, or from the date on which the reservation request was received

※ A customer can decline to consent to the collection/utilization of the above-stated personal information. In such a case, however, said customer will not be able to access services rendered by SAIPAN WORLD RESORT